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Workshop Timetable

Following the success of the workshops at previous NSA Scotsheep events, The NSA Scotsheep 2024 organising committee is delighted to offer two dedicated workshop areas at the event with a range of topics and speakers providing an even better opportunity to gain practical, hands-on advice and tips. 

Workshops are slightly smaller and more informal than the seminars, with the intention of people getting involved, asking questions and making the most of the experts on hand. 

Workshop Area 1 - Building 2

9:30am - 9:50am
The British Stratified Sheep Group - A proven system, for a sustainable future!

Derek Hall, Chair of the British Stratified Sheep Group and Jonathan Hodgson, Chairman of NEMSA will explain how Hybrid Vigour in sheep production the most forgotten about natural growth and production efficiency enhancer. The more diverse the breeds that you cross the higher the benefits are to the subsequent generation. The stratified sheep system exploits this phenomenon to its maximum. This goes beyond “emissions” it looks at sequestration, biodiversity and the circular economy in well managed hill, upland and lowland sheep production. The principle is simple native breeds in their natural surroundings, the right sheep the right place, maximising carbon capture, making the most of grass, our most abundant and low-cost feed source. Supporting remote rural communities to survive and thrive. Offering a sustainably produced lamb that gives the consumer the peace of mind that the lamb they are buying is good for the planet, naturally produced healthy and is consistent in taste texture and eating quality.

9:55am - 10:15am
The Agrimin Advantage - a bolus for every system

David Bell and Ieuan Davies from Agrimin will discuss the market leading erosion technology of the Agrimin range of boluses and why trace elements are vitally important to flock and herd health.  As well as hearing how these fully researched and trialled products can benefit your stock, you will also witness, through a practical demonstration, how simple and easy it is to bolus a ewe.

10:20am - 10:40am
Join the March – managing sheep lameness in 5 Steps

What are the risk factors for lameness on your farm? What 5 practical steps can you take to reduce and prevent lameness? Discussion on Footvax, THE vaccine for footrot in sheep by Dr Katharine Baxter-Smith BVetMed CertAVP(EM) MRCVS, Sector Veterinary Advisor in the Ruminant Business section 

10:45am - 11:05am
Cattle breeding policy at Aikengall

Workshop and live demonstration with cattle by Gavin Hill, Head of Knowledge Networks at SRUC and James Hamilton, host farmer.

11:10am - 11:30am
Prime lamb selection

Alasdair McSporran from Dunbia will do a combined workshop/ live demonstration on prime lamb selection.

11:35am - 11:55am
Value added carcase- Shows the versatility of the lamb and what can be produced from its carcase

Butchery demonstration/workshop presented by Gordon Newlands, Brands Development Manager at QMS along with a young butcher.

12 Noon - 12:20pm
The Parasight Game: Putting theory into practice

A representative from Elanco Animal Health will be speaking about parasite control. 

12:25pm- 12:45pm
OPA and actual scanning of sheep

Dr Chris Cousens and Phil Scott from Moredun will present a combined workshop/demonstration on OPA and actual scanning of sheep.

12:50pm - 1:10pm
The British Stratified Sheep Group -A proven system, for a sustainable future!
1:15pm - 1:35pm
The Agrimin Advantage - a bolus for every system
1:40pm - 2:00pm
Join the March – managing sheep lameness in 5 Steps
2:05pm - 2:25pm
Cattle breeding policy at Aikengall
2:55pm - 3:15pm
Value added carcase- Shows the versatility of the lamb and what can be produced from its carcase
2:30pm - 2:50pm
Prime lamb selection
3:20pm - 3:40pm
The Parasight Game: Putting theory into practice
3:45pm - 4:05pm
OPA and actual scanning of sheep

Workshop Area 2 - Building 4

10:00am - 10:30am
Reducing production costs and the carbon footprint of your flock.

Chaired by Dewi Jones, CEO, of Innovis with two farmer panellists, Robert Black of Drochil Castle Farm and Ed Munt, Head Shepherd at Mains of Murthly, will explain how flock efficiency can be improved and production costs lowered by using specifically selected genetics and tweaking systems to be more forage based.

The two farmers will explain and demonstrate in practical terms the measures they have taken to achieve their goals. Topics discussed will include changing grazing system, creating feed budgets and dealing with disease risk and worm control. Key topics such as reducing labour costs, setting selective culling policies and choosing the right rams for the system will also be covered. Dewi will outline how these changes are impacting the carbon footprint of their flocks and their implications for the future.

10:35am - 10:55am
Investing in your wellbeing bank account

Farmstrong Scotland, a rural wellbeing programme for the farming and crofting community, sharing peer-to-peer tips and advice to help those within the sector to live well, to farm and croft well.

Alix Ritchie, Programme Director and Clare Dickson, Community Engagement Specialist for Farmstrong Scotland will be delivering this interactive workshop, encouraging attendees to take the time to think about themselves and to share with others what they do to boost their own wellbeing bank account.

Research shows many farmers and crofters are great at looking after their equipment and livestock, but, like many other sectors, they can neglect their own wellbeing. As an industry, we can’t afford to let these pressures reach the point where they damage productivity and affect the lives of families.

It can be something as simple as making time for a walk or a catch-up with friends, noticing the small things or even building Lego. We look forward to hearing about those small steps, that make a big difference to you.

11:25am - 11:45am
Net zero: an opportunity not a limitation

Gemma Wark and Emma McGowan from QMS plan to present on this.

  • Net Zero definition and QMS work on commission in a roadmap to achieve it.
  • Scotch lamb is a highly sustainable product set to sustainably feed a growing global population.
  • Parts of the world cannot sustainably produce lamb for themselves to meet their demand so our market opportunity is in exports were QMS is promoting market access and getting a substantial ROI.
  • The mitigation measures to achieve net zero scotch lamb are things that are practicable on farm today.
11:50am - 12:10pm
Halal sheep meat marketing and the opportunities available in the UK and globally

Rizvan Khalid, managing director of the family business Euro Quality Lambs, will give a presentation on the above.

12:15pm - 13:35pm
Energise your land; utility scale solar & battery, opportunities and pitfalls.

A representative from Island Green Power, will discuss the renewables market in Scotland and the wider United Kingdom, focusing on landowners who are considering diversifying their enterprise with utility-scale solar and battery storage on their land. The session will provide insights into what landowners should look for in a developer and the questions they should ask to ensure they have a viable project and a reliable partner. Additionally, the workshop will address the renewables pipeline in the United Kingdom, the challenges faced by Electricity Network Operators, and developers in diversifying the energy supply.

12:40pm - 1:00pm
Benefits’ of forage crops in a sheep system

Kirsten Williams, Team Leader and Sheep and Beef Consultant at SAC Consulting will discuss forage crops to fill the forage gap, increase resilience and reduce costs.  

1:05pm - 1:35pm
Reducing production costs and the carbon footprint of your flock
1:40pm - 2:00pm
Investing in your wellbeing bank account.
2:30pm - 2:50pm
Net zero: an opportunity not a limitation
2:55pm - 3:15pm
Halal sheep meat marketing and the opportunities available in the UK and globally
3:20pm - 3:40pm
Energise your land; utility scale solar & battery, opportunities and pitfalls
3:45pm - 4:05pm
Benefits’ of forage crops in a sheep system.
11:00am – 11:20am
Lamb for St Andrews Day

Lamb for St Andrews Day started life as an idea on how to give lamb more of an identity, such as haggis on Burns Night. Thought up by George Purves and Willie Mitchell, the campaign has gone from strength to strength over the years. In 2020, COVID halted the traditional plan of having dinners to celebrate Lamb for St Andrews Day and the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland decided to offer portions of lamb to Home Economics classes in schools as another way to promote this wonderful meat. Since then 100,000 school children across Scotland have cooked with and tasted lamb around St Andrews Day. This has been funded by IAAS alongside kind donations from farmers. We want to continue this campaign by getting more of the farming industry involved and we would like you to join us on this journey. Come along and hear more from George Purves and IAAS on how you can get on board.

2:05pm - 2:25pm
'Lamb for St Andrews Day