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Seminar Timetable

The NSA Scotsheep seminar programme always provides a line-up of interesting speakers and relevant topics. Seminars will see farmers and industry spokesmen put forward their opinions and experiences, with plenty of time in each session for the audience to engage in discussion and debate.

In addition to the seminars there will be a workshop programme running through the day and you can find out more by clicking Here

10:45am - 11:55am
“Flock fit for the future”.
Dr Christine Middlemiss, UK Government’s Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO)

Dr Chris Cousens, Senior Research Scientist at Moredun - Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA). 

Craig Watkins (DPhil), Principal Research Scientist at Moredun - Johne’s disease. 

Stewart Burgess (PhD), Principal Research Scientist at Moredun – Sheep scab. 

Marion McMillan (BVMS CertAVP(Sheep) MRCVS) at SRUC – Review of this season’s sheep abortions and how to get the best chance of diagnosis.

12:00 noon - 12:25pm
Peter Myles - NSA Scotland Chairman

Address by Jim Fairlie MSP, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity at Scottish Government.

12:30pm - 1:45pm
Implementation & Benefits of Changing Support
Colin MacPhail – NSA Scotsheep 2024 Chairman and Agri-business Consultant.

Steven Thomson, Agricultural Economist at SRUC. 

Stephen Buchan, Regional Head of Agriculture – Scotland at Virgin Money.

Jim Walker CBE, Farmer and Businessman. 

2:00pm - 3:15pm
A profitable and sustainable farming future - What will farming in 2030 look like for your business?
Brian Richardson, UK Head of Agriculture at Virgin Money will set the scene and, in the Q&A highlight that need for planning and looking forward and hopefully create some lively debate!

Scott Donaldson, Managing Director at Harrison & Hetherington. 

Emma Nelson, Senior Livestock Manager at Woodhead Bros Morrisons.

Ian Hope, Head of Rural at Galbraith.

The individual speakers will focus on their areas of expertise and give their thoughts on - Understanding the environmental requirements and preparing your business to address the challenge; Looking at your farm efficiency & productivity; Understanding the numbers and what the consumer will be expecting. The aim, to get farmers thinking about their own planning and being able to future proof their business to stay relevant & profitable.